Wrightbus’ hydrogen-powered sister to the Electroliner, the Hydroliner has been in service with a number of operators since early 2021. The fleet has now clocked up its first million miles. The milestone – the equivalent of driving around the world 40 times – means the fleet of world-first hydrogen-powered double-deck buses has prevented 1,700 tonnes of harmful carbon dioxide emissions entering the atmosphere compared to journeys made by an equivalent diesel bus.
The reduction in emissions has the same impact as taking almost 400 cars off the roads for a whole year. “Hitting one million miles is an incredible landmark for our buses,” said Wrightbus Executive Chairman Jo Bamford. “To be talking about such figures and the impact on emissions they have made is incredibly powerful and seeing these numbers spelled out really puts our efforts into context. At Wrightbus we have been relentless in our commitment to zero-emission transport thanks to our constant innovations – but although these figures are impressive, we cannot let up.
“We will continue to press the case for more support for zero emissions transport, both in the UK and around the globe, to ensure vital net zero targets are not missed.”
The Hydroliner was launched in Aberdeen in late 2020, entering passenger service in January 2021. In addition to the Aberdeen fleet, the zero-emission buses are currently in operation in London, Birmingham, Dublin and Belfast.
Publisher: CBW
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