We have given back to our community through our buses in every manner we could, from fostering economic development to easing traffic congestion to improving transportation equity for all.
Wrightbus was taken over by Jo Bamford, heir to the world's largest privately owned construction and agricultural equipment company, JCB, in 2019. He put us on a new course of innovation and efficiency. With the new, environmentally friendly Wrightbus, the team are here to provide customers with a full solution to minimize the disruption to move to a zero emission fleet.

To better serve the EU market, Wrightbus is introducing new LHD single-deck Kite hydrogen fuel cell and battery electric buses to our line of cutting-edge, zero-emission goods. A base is being established in Cologne, Germany to support EU customers, creating employment opportunities.
Under Jo Bamford's direction, Wrightbus and Hydra B Group of companies are working together to help customers source hydrogen, set up depots for refueling, long term financing and bus route analysis to optimize your business model and minimize the disruption of moving to a zero emission fleet.